Bourbon Whiskey

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Roast Profile


Indulge in the extraordinary fusion of flavours with our meticulously crafted Bourbon Whiskey Blend. Every step of the process reflects our commitment to excellence and artistry.

Beginning with carefully selected single-origin coffee beans, we immerse them in oak barrel-aged whiskey, allowing them to absorb the essence of this exquisite spirit. This meticulous soaking process results in a truly unparalleled drinking experience, where each sip is a journey through complexity and sophistication.

Throughout the roasting process, subtle whiskey nuances develop, creating a rich and full-bodied profile that captivates the senses. Our dedication to sourcing the finest speciality coffee beans ensures a blend of unrivalled quality and depth.

Whether enjoyed as a bold espresso, a robust long black, or paired with milk to accentuate its delicate whiskey finish, each cup promises an unforgettable taste adventure.

Ideal for gifting or indulging in your own coffee ritual, our Bourbon Whiskey Blend is a testament to passion and expertise. Crafted with care and precision, it elevates the coffee experience to new heights.

And here's the captivating part: Despite its name, this stunning blend contains no alcohol. Through the roasting process, any trace of whiskey evaporates, leaving behind only the rich, complex flavours that define our Bourbon Whiskey Blend.

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Quite unique I don't have strong sense of smell but these beans wake it up! Lovely rich taste as espresso-ish aero press

T Winkworth
raiting starraiting starraiting starraiting starraiting star

This is so unique. My Dad loved it!

D Wilson
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Lovely aroma and ease of brewing. Don't need to tamp heavily. Perfect crema and a great aftertaste.

I Rodriguez
raiting starraiting starraiting starraiting starraiting star

Gorgeous flavoured coffee beans delivered to my doorstep. Super service.

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