Honduras Abeja

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Roast Profile


Cupping Notes
Experience a symphony of flavours with hints of pineapple, rum, dried apricot, and papaya.


Delve into the exquisite world of Capucas coffee, meticulously cultivated by families dedicated to quality and sustainability. Beyond crafting exceptional coffee, these families diversify their income by integrating beekeeping into their agricultural practices.

Capucas embraces a holistic approach, promoting honey production among its members to foster economic stability and community empowerment. With a focus on inclusivity, this initiative provides resources and training to both seasoned apiarists and newcomers, empowering women and youth to seize new opportunities.

But what about the coffee itself? Enriched by the harmonious collaboration between coffee and pollinators, Capucas coffee flourishes under the nurturing shade of plum, banana, pepeto, and guama trees. Each step of the journey, from hand-picking ripe cherries to meticulous wet processing at the cooperative's state-of-the-art facility, is infused with care and expertise.

The coffee cherries undergo a meticulous drying process, basking in the warmth of COCAFCAL solar dryers for 15 to 22 days. With careful attention to detail, each batch is regularly turned to ensure uniform drying, preserving the coffee's exquisite flavours and aromas.

Experience the essence of Capucas coffee—an embodiment of tradition, sustainability, and unparalleled quality. Elevate your coffee journey with every sip, knowing that each cup supports a community dedicated to excellence and innovation.

SCA score: 
October - February

Red Apple, Pineapple, Papaya

Coffea Arabica
Catuai, Caturra, Icatu, Pacamara, Pacas
Fairtrade, Organic
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Customer reviews

L Palmer
raiting starraiting starraiting starraiting starraiting star

Lovely smell and great taste. Accurately described.

S Fry
raiting starraiting starraiting starraiting starraiting star

The coffee is exquisite! Brilliant taste and aroma.

D Baker
raiting starraiting starraiting starraiting starraiting star

Tasty. Thumbs up.

M Fouler
raiting starraiting starraiting starraiting starraiting star

Very Smooth, perfectly roasted!

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