Rwanda Cocatu

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Roast Profile


Cupping Notes

Experience the tantalising flavours of our Rwanda Cocatu AA, boasting delightful notes of blackberry, stonefruit, raisin, and toffee.


Crafted with care and precision, our Rwanda Cocatu AA is sourced from multiple smallholders within the catchment area. After harvesting, the coffee cherries are swiftly transported to the washing station by 4pm, where they undergo meticulous processing. This includes initial washing and cleaning, followed by a brief dry fermentation stage in tanks. Subsequently, wet fermentation takes place in clean water, with gentle soaking in tanks to enhance the coffee's flavour profile. The journey continues as the coffee is carefully spread out on raised beds to dry under the warm Rwandan sun, with shade nets providing protection during peak hours. Each step of this intricate process ensures that our Rwanda Cocatu AA embodies the rich coffee heritage of Rwanda, offering a truly exceptional cup of coffee.

SCA score:
Fully washed
April - August
Blackberry, Peach, Raisin, Sweet, Toffee
Coffea Arabica
BM139, BM71, Jackson
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P Chopra
raiting starraiting starraiting starraiting starraiting star

This coffee is one of my favourites.I'm using V60, and the taste is amazing

A Warner
raiting starraiting starraiting starraiting starraiting star

Consistently good roasts. The first time I’ve been able to make really good espresso at home

H Brown
raiting starraiting starraiting starraiting starraiting star

Sweet as

C James
raiting starraiting starraiting starraiting starraiting star

When I opened the box the aroma was suburb & when I put it in my bean to cup machine my whole house of fresh coffee. I can't recommend it highly enough.

P Hobbs
raiting starraiting starraiting starraiting starraiting star

Tried this recently, one of my favourites

S Riley
raiting starraiting starraiting starraiting starraiting star

Bold, complex flavour as you would expect. Superb

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